What we’re thinking about

My best thing
And less than three months, $2.8M worth of new billing, and at least 15 new client engagements later, this was my best thing. And that’s why content works to build your business.

How do you share your story?
When we hear a story we find compelling, it gives us an opportunity, sometimes even a compulsion to share it with someone else. So when you cast your value in terms of a story that your whole team can repeat and share with others, you’re tapping into a deep human need and connecting it with your measurable business objectives.

Your most important thing
The most important piece of content you'll ever produce is your brand story. Do you have yours written down? So you can use it? Every day? If you don't have a clear, compelling, memorable story ready to share with your most important people everywhere you communicate with them. You are behind the 8-ball.

The way you tell your story matters
At the top of the scannable menu. Very prominently displayed was a message noting that credit card purchased would be charged an extra 4%. Clearly, to offset the charge the restaurant paid for credit card processing. Funny thing, though, when the bill arrived, it showed the price along with the 4% added. Then, right underneath, it showed the "cash" price, which was 4% less.

Stop using “relevant”
A big part of the way Google measures "quality" is how the keywords are used. There are other components to this like length, frequency of posting, backlinks, traffic and duration of views on a page, but the keywords, historically, have been a massive part of this. On the other hand, we humans who need to read the content, need to find the information you post informative and useful, too. In the SEO game, they call this "relevance." Humans measure and react to information differently.

There's a time for original creativity. And there's a time to put your original creativity to use. One, you start from scratch. The other, you use touchstones. The things you know and believe about yourself. The things you believe. The things that make you matter.

The real, authentic you
"Authenticity" is one of those words like innovation, disruptive, synergy, guru, and paradigm, that gets thrown around as a distractor. By people who pretend they know things. But it's a word with a meaning, that when it is used properly, is enormously powerful and important. To me, authenticity is a way of being true to who you are and who you want to be.

There's nothing more human than reading
Reading fiction, specifically, improves your sense of empathy. And who among us couldn't use a bit of that? Study on the subject says reading fiction regularly helps you sleep, makes you more creative, sparks your memory. It expands your knowledge, improves your use of language, boosts your confidence and analytical skills.

Why we call it “The Sheet.”
There's a scene that I always remember. Kid Twist ducks into Duke Budreau's bar to recruit the best long-con men he can find in Chicago. Duke calls out "Lacey! Bring me the sheet.” It's the sheet listing all the best men in town looking to get in on a con. All the resources by name and reputation these guys need right there on one page. And that's what I created for Nymblesmith.

My best client ever
My best client ever was not the one I thought it would be. There are many ways to measure your best clients. Some are easy to work with. Some you enjoy getting to know on the phone or video call. Or in person. It's hardly ever the one who makes you the most money.

The annual refresh
Is your message the same today as it was last year? Probably not. If there was a simple way to create the tools you need to communicate your message clearly, consistently, and effectively across your entire team, would you?
There is.

The missing piece in your branding exercise
Wouldn't it make your business better if you had a single source... one tool with all the words you needed every time you had to write something, or present something, or answer a question about your business?

Your secret superpower
Your brand’s secret superpower isn’t just in your story, it’s in the way you choose to put it to work and the way you can get your whole team, your whole enterprise behind it.

“The paced power of storytelling”
It's the headline you see all the time. And it's undisputedly correct. Storytelling is human. It's powerful. It makes an impact. But it's a bit of a myth, too. Unless you have all the missing pieces.

Unexpected Success
“Be careful what you think you know about a person. Because you’re probably wrong,” author Jeff Linsay had one of his characters offer as important advice. And it holds up in real life, too.

The Secret to Almost Everything
Today was the day. It's been about six months since we moved. Out west. To altitude. In Colorado. I've been trying to get back into my running. And failing. But today, I ran the full four miles I've been targeting. Without walking. Or falling out of breath. First time since we moved to altitude.

J-School 101
What happens when you think your writing is no good? Not deep enough. Not strong enough? Not compelling enough? Not... enough? It happens to the best out there. You have it inside, but it's not flowing out through the pen.

Getting good
There are three things I find myself telling my son over and over and over again. One - You don't get good at anything without practicing. Two - You have two ears and one mouth so you should always listen twice as much as you talk; and Three - You don't have to have an opinion about everything.

How do you listen?
It's funny this photo came across my screen today as I'm thinking about streaming services. Shopping for the right one for me, actually. I'm doing the free trial of Apple. My 14 year old son thinks Spotify is awesome. How do you do it?