If you read nothing else in this book. Read…


I didn’t set out to write a book. I just had one idea one day that I thought was important and I started writing it down.

One thought about how to do things. Better.

How I do things when I do them well.

And I thought it might be valuable to others. And it made me think up a few other ideas. Better ideas.

Things I hadn’t noticed anyone else noticing.

Because that’s how ideas work. Sometimes.

How good ideas work. Most of the time.

One after another after another.

I started writing about those things that matter to me.

Writing. Communicating. Uncovering a few of those things some people think they’re protecting from others knowing.

Things that I think should matter to other people.

That more than sometimes matter to other people.

And I just kept going.

And I realized a common thread.

The things we believe.

Or misbelieve.

The things that we think we understand.

Or those things we thought we understood.

That we did not.

Not really.

Because maybe we don’t take the time to think about them.

And maybe I’m wrong.

But at least I’m making you think them through. Again.


I don’t presume that what I think will change your world.

But I think they might.

Once upon a time, someone thought something up. And someone else read it. And absorbed it. And took it to do what he or she thought would matter in the world.

And make a story of their own.

And that is what all of this is all about.

Believe things.

That’s the most important thing.

Then question them.

Then understand you misbelieved them.

Then take them to the next place.

And make that place better than the last place.

And leave it better.


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Why Yellow Matters

What is it that makes things matter to people? And how do you tap into the power of that meaning? WHY YELLOW MATTERS is all about taking the time to ask “why?” in everything you do to help you make your things matter more.